Congratulations on Choosing Real Hits 4 U to showcase your Online/Offline Businesses! Thank you

Your are about to uncover a New Generation of a Global Traffic Platform. At Real Hits 4 U we have a lot to offer our members.
Prize pages are often shown to our members while surfing. Credit prizes range from
5 to 100 credits depending on how many advertisement you viewed. Actual credits will be added automatic upon claiming it from our prize page, under Surf Rewards

To ensure the delivery of our email communication's, we highly recommend to use Gmail to open your account with us.

Don't have one? Get it here:

Please note that you need to surf 500 members advertisement to receive all your sign up bonus - Sign Up Bonus, 1,000 Credits, 1,000 Banner Ads Impressions, 1,000 Text Ads Impressions (Automatically added to your account after completing the surfing requirements).

New Member Registration
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Check this box if you want to save 65% on our upgraded membership.

[Your referrer is Klara Schmidtz]